Get Involved


There are a number of ways you can be active in the Delaware Academy of Family Physicians- serve on a committee, support a program, attend a CME event or sit on the Board.

DAFP Committees

The DAFP relies on member volunteers to chair, and sit on, various committees of the organization. Committee Chairs welcome new members, ideas, members and most importantly, enthusiasm!

Our active committees include:

  • Bylaws Committee
  • Community Outreach Committee
  • Education Committee
  • Legislation & Advocacy
  • Membership & Communications Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Treasury & Grants Committee

To learn more about a particular committee check our the Committees page. If you are ready to volunteer- sign up!

 DAFP Board/Officers

Each Spring the Nominating Committee looks for candidates to serve as Board Members for the upcoming year. You do not need prior Board experience to run for an office or serve on the Board- just a willing spirit and a passion for supporting Family Medicine in Delaware.

For more information or to volunteer contact the Executive Director or the Immediate Past President.

 DAFP-Research & Education Foundation Board

The DAFP-REF also relies on member volunteers to chair, and sit on, the ogranization’s Board. For more information, contact the DAFP-REF Board Chair.


DAFP Representatives to other Organizations

  • The DAFP is often called on by other organizations to send a representative to speak on behalf of Family Physician interests in Delaware. Examples of DAFP reps to outside organizations include:
    Delaware Academy of Medicine
  • Medical Society of Delaware
  • Immunization Coalition of Delaware
  • Quality Insights of Delaware Advisory Council

In addition we are sometimes asked to sit on state and national stakeholder workgroups.

If you are interested in serving as a representative should the need arise, please contact the Executive Director or Chapter President.



We host a number of program and community events. Each event needs a program chair and helping hands to make the day a success. See a program this year you want to help with? Have an idea about a new program or event you would like to see DAFP host?

Contact the Executive Director or Community Outreach Chair to volunteer.

 Continuing Medical Education Events

Every year the DAFP hosts a strong line-up of practical, evidence-based, high quality continuing medical education events. Have ideas about future topics or an interest in volunteering to plan an event?

Contact the Executive Director or the Education Committee Chair to volunteer.


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